Those who remember the grand firework displays heralding the Millennium in 2000 felt a frisson of hope and excitement about the new century. As we prepare for 2025, we have to concede the ‘first quarter’ has been pretty turbulent. The era dawned with dotcom boom and bust, brought us Google, Facebook and Apple, and it segued into the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 and 2009, which destroyed Scotland’s two great financial institutions: the Royal Bank of Scotland and Bank of Scotland. The world took several years to recover, leading to a time of austerity and detrimental cuts in public services. In 2014, Scotland voted to remain in the Union with the rest of the UK, yet the SNP government in Holyrood have been calling the political shots north of the Border. Then, in 2020, just when life looked like it might be getting better, we were hit by the global Covid pandemic. Our NHS, our civic services, city centres and many businesses are still trying to regain lost ground. 

Throughout this time, the spectre of climate change has become more visible and terrifying. Among the consequences have been massive shifts in population seeking a safer and better life, a global energy crisis and rising political upheaval.   

Business in Scotland has had to learn to adapt and change like never before. So, as we move into 2025, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the responsible companies navigating this changing world.  Scotland is a world leader in its adoption of renewable energy, and we have strengths in many sectors, including food and drink.  Our Legal Review also shows we have top-class legal firms in Scotland, with the brains applied to helping businesses solve often intractable issues. We need to harness the best technologies with a renewed sense of purpose and collaboration for the coming 25 years. If you’re still around in 2050, we hanker for happy and harmonious lives for all. It’s within the power of good business to make this happen. 

Kenny Kemp, Editor of The Business