Is the High School of Dundee on your radar? You might be surprised by what we can offer.

Of all the things you could invest in, what could be better than your child’s future? Ensuring they are prepared for the real world. Instilling them with confidence. Providing them with the building blocks for life.

We’re well equipped to provide the very best education for your child. 

Superb results through real-world learning

Our location in the heart of the city helps our pupils feel connected to the real world, creating fully rounded and grounded young people.

Smaller class sizes help us achieve bigger results. Our track record in exams – particularly literacy and numeracy – is outstanding. 

We place great importance on enterprise and innovation: in our secondary school, Enterprise Skills courses see pupils work on real-world projects with local businesses, there’s a commitment to STEM, and digital skills are embedded in the curriculum.

Choice and the opportunity to excel

We have a wide and varied choice of subjects – 24 at Higher; 24 at Advanced Higher. Extra-curricular activities abound (over 80) ensuring every opportunity is available for your child, including a unique High Performance Sport programme and countless musical groups and performances.

A nurturing environment 

A commitment to pastoral care gives our pupils the confidence to discover who they are.

In the primary years, every day the children spend time working on the crucial building blocks of literacy and numeracy. While the school ensures that the pupils have plenty of fun, the children follow a timetable to give structure and planned progression to their learning. 

Every week, the school’s secondary teachers deliver lessons in junior years too. P1-5 have music and PE and P6 and P7 also have drama, computing, Mandarin and health and food technology specialist lessons.

Support for learning is available from P1 upwards.

Book a tour today

We welcome new pupils throughout the year. Book in for a tour or taster day on a date that suits.


Partner Content in association with High School of Dundee