As a ‘Woman in Power’ – Partner, Solicitor Advocate and Head of Dispute Resolution at DWF in Scotland, a mother to two young children (aged two, and four months) and a farmer’s wife – it is fair to say that I have my hands full.

At DWF, I manage urgent and competing deadlines, problem- solve, represent clients, develop strategy, people manage and undertake business development. This, I understand, does not scream compatibility with having a young family and a husband who has seasonally extremely busy periods. But I love what I do and it is deeply ingrained into my identity. I also love being a mum; it fulfils me in a way that I never thought was possible.

It is not always easy to balance all of these roles and sometimes the ‘mother’s guilt’ can be overwhelming. However, I am fortunate that DWF has implemented meaningful policies designed to help working parents continue in jobs they love and also be present for their children.

When I think about balancing a senior leadership role alongside raising young children, having access to maternity and flexible working policies is extremely important.

I am able to schedule meetings around nursery drop-off times and am able to work from home regularly. And, for women like myself who are returning to work after maternity leave, there are mentoring opportunities in place to help ease this transition.

I am also fortunate to have a tremendously supportive line manager and a wonderful team, carefully built upon mutual trust and respect and without whom I would struggle to do my job.

I am lucky to be in the company of several female trailblazers – colleagues and friends – who inspire me daily and who are kind enough to be sounding boards and sources of advice.

All of these wonderfully ambitious women have juggled family and professional life so ably for years. Although I have no doubt that it has been harder than they have made it look, these women have paved the way for women like me, and I hope that one day I will inspire other women too.

It is important that my children will one day also see me as an inspiration. A big part of that is seeing that I enjoy what I do.

As a ‘Woman in Power’ I want my daughter to know no boundaries. I am lucky to work for a company that has progressive policies in place to create equal opportunities for women in the workplace; DWF is committing to increase female representation at senior and board levels to 40 per cent by 2025.

This gives me hope that when my daughter grows up, she will never encounter glass ceilings; instead there will be policies designed to support and promote women across all businesses.

I am also determined that my son will be an ally to his sister and other women and that he will see them as equals, but for now I am going to spend the remainder of my maternity leave with my two beautiful children and look forward to returning to the job that I love in the near future. 

Partner Content in association with DWF