Bank’s £6.7m funding raises prospect of further 100 jobs to 900 in pipeline for offshore wind manufacturing
The Scottish National Investment Bank has announced a round of funding to support a subsea marine anchoring company working with offshore floating wind developments. The investment comes within months of…
Can GB Energy turbocharge the country to clean energy by 2030?
The UK Government is claiming the biggest investment in home-grown clean energy in UK history. Industry figures share their views on how it could work Prince, the music icon, would…
Office politics come into play in workplace transformation
There is an overwhelming consensus that the workplace – and hence our cities – have no alternative but to confront the ‘new normal.’ What exactly that might be is much…
How warehouses became a vital part of the circular economy
With retail warehousing remaining in high demand, 2024 has been named the ‘Year of Warehousing’. The sector is celebrating sustained growth and is continuing to adapt to supply chain trends…
Bigger, better deeper: Why floating wind farms are the energy future
Much as it has done with oil and gas, the North-east of Scotland is pioneering the path to a low-carbon energy system Through panoramic windows facing the North Sea, visitors…
Decarbonisation and the lost years: Changing tack to regain ground
The headline on 19 March 2024 on BBC News confirmed what was feared: “Scotland’s climate target unreachable says watchdog”. The ambitious target of 2030 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by…
Conferences aim to renew the focus on hitting net-zero target
As the clock to Scotland’s netzero target ticks inexorably forward, there are important markers in the countdown calendar: May 15 and 16 will see Glasgow host All-Energy 2024, the UK’s…
Net zero on the horizon
While other countries backpedal on their promises, Scotland remains steadfastly committed to reaching net zero by 2045, and the renewables industry is leading the way If Oscar-winning movie Oppenheimer reignited…
Harnessing the winds of change: a prerequisite for offshore success
The first ScotWind leasing awards were granted by Crown Estate Scotland in 2022 – 20 offshore wind projects, with a combined 27.6GW of capacity. It was a fantastic economic and…